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Mental Spring Cleaning

What a lot of catching up to do.

Apologies for a three month break between blog posts. A month and a half of that was due to slowly freezing to death in Kemptville....a.k.a. working. But it was really cold this winter! Especially in February! Trust me, outside overnight was NOT where you wanted to be.

The other month and a half of neglecting things I have no legitimate excuse for besides the very vague "personal issues."

But Spring is in the air, it's warming up, I have plants starting up in their little peat pots, the windows are open so the fresh air can clear the the mental cobwebs, I have coffee, I even did a bit of (very tragically inflexible) yoga. I got my sewing table up and running again for the first time in months so I'm feeling motivated!

The Big News: I'm going to be selling things at ComicCon this year for the first time! C.O.N. in March was so much fun, I'm quite excited to do it on a bigger scale. I'm going to be sharing a table with partner-in-crime and author/artist extraordinaire S. M. Carrière. This happened very suddenly as she's been on the waiting list for a table and one just opened up last week.

So after months of thinking I wasn't going to go to ComicCon at all, suddenly I'm not only going but need to get things together to sell! And I need a new costume because gods forbid I end up at ComicCon in something I've already been seen stay tuned because that's gonna be quite the post when it's ready. Sometime this week.

And more shoe painting. And because it's gardening time, I have plans for gardening aprons and dresses and skirts....all kinds of fun goodies for this time of year! So I'll post about those projects too.

So I guess I better stop blogging and get some stuff going, huh?

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