The New And Improved Sewing Room!
Has it really been over a year since my last post? That's kind of horrifying. I've already failed one of my new year's goals (a blog post...
A Fresh Start
What is it about a new year that brings such optimism? I always feel unstoppable at the beginning of January. I know a lot of people see...
Merida is Ready for Action!
I did it!!! Although I apparently blanked on the fact that I should, you know, blog about it. I posted a picture on Facebook when I...
The Week Isn't Over Yet!
I should say I did try to post this yesterday but the website editor wasn't working. In any case, I know I said I'd have my ComicCon...
Mental Spring Cleaning
What a lot of catching up to do. Apologies for a three month break between blog posts. A month and a half of that was due to slowly...
C.O.N. and Shoes and Madness
My lovely friend Jen of JenEric Designs got in touch with me a little bit ago asking if I would be interested in selling some things at a...
The New and Improved Sewing Table
I have officially moved my blog to this site from where it used to be! Previous blog posts will still be available there, but I'm...